Saturday, August 16, 2008

Kenny Lake Fair 2008

more coming!


kris dubbelde said...

I lived in Kenny Lake in the late 80's with Ben Holsclaw. we lived in the little cabin that used to be behind Sue's store. I helped out Sue with the store and training the 4H kids. Also ran some of her sled dogs. Would love to find out how everyone is and catch up. I remember Jeff and Michelle that use to handle dogs for Tim and Kat, Sue and Dick, Paul, Nora and Earnie

kris dubbelde said...

I lived in Kenny Lake in the late 1980's with Ben Holsclaw. Used to help out Sue in the store and with the 4h kids. Remember Paul, Sue and Dick, Nora and Earnie, Tim....would love to hear from anyone who could maybe catch me up with them all!!!!